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Azra Syakirah

57 articles

Usually a book in one hand and a latte in the other, Azra is always tucked away in a cafe anywhere she goes. While she cherishes jaw-dropping sceneries as she trots the globe, she gets a buzz out of over-coffee conversations with people she encounters on her adventures.

image for article Halal Food in Kyoto: 10 Places to Visit When You’re Hungry
Food GuidesHalal Food in Kyoto: 10 Places to Visit When You’re Hungry
Azra Syakirah -

Known for its natural beauty and calmer ambience, there are many reasons why Muslim travellers can’t help but visit Kyoto. Plus, there are plenty of halal eateries scattered around this Muslim-friendly city.

image for article Life in Muslim-Friendly Tokyo, As Told By A Muslim Traveller
LifestyleLife in Muslim-Friendly Tokyo, As Told By A Muslim Traveller
Azra Syakirah -

After spending a year in Tokyo, Azra shares her insights on life in Tokyo as a Muslim and her appreciation for diversity.

image for article Modest Fashion: 4 Tips For Your Summer Outfit
LifestyleModest Fashion: 4 Tips For Your Summer Outfit
Azra Syakirah -

Before the emergence of modest fashion brands, Muslim fashionistas struggled with shopping for clothes that were both fashionable and modest. These tips will make sure that Muslimahs can make any outfit work for them.

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